Inquiry Paper: What Is the Purpose?

When people get such an assignment as to writing an inquiry paper, they might ask a question, “What is an inquiry-based research paper?”. Well, you have come to the right place to find the answer to this question.

Okay, what is a scientific inquiry paper? This a paper, which, as a rule, means the one that comes with the questions but still does not give the clear and exact answers to it. The most popular kind of it is a research proposal.

In such a paper you need to raise up issues, which you have chosen, and explain why further digging and research on this topic is necessary for the others. You do not know the answers yet. You just offer proposals on finding them out and explain how and why to do it.

How to Write an Inquiry Based Research Paper Properly

Writing an inquiry paper is not the easiest thing in the world. There are no doubts about it.

Though, you can create a great paper if you just focus on the following tips on how to write an inquiry paper:

  • Pick the Most Suitable Topic. It is clear that it is easier to create an excellent paper when you are interested in the topic yourself. It is easier when you want to go deeper in this area yourself and to help the others to go there too. Pick the one you like because it will be coming from your heart.
  • Follow the Words Volume and the Inquiry Paper Format. Do not think that “the more, the better,” using as many words as possible. Do not jump over the required words volume. If you have the requirement to use 200-300 words, use 200-300 words, if you are required to include 900-1000 words, use 900-1000, but not more. The format also must be in your requirement list.
  • Do not Change the Structure. Obviously, every type of writing has its own structure. So, if an inquiry paper happened to have its own one too, make it as it has to be, according to the rules.
  • Connect Your Sentences. The paper cannot be fully complete if your sentences do not fit each other. You have to put them this way, so they could be connected to each other and easy to read for the readers. You can use linking words, for example. The thing is that you cannot abuse its use because if you do, they can turn from little helpers to complete wateriness.
  • Write From the Heart. When you really write papers from the heart, people feel it. They feel if you are interested in it or not. That is why go back to the first point of the list and make sure you have picked the right topic for an inquiry paper.

Helping Inquiry Paper Outline

What is an outline? An outline is your personal helping hand. How does it work? You know the structure, don’t you? Here is a little example of inquiry paper outline:

  • Intro
    • Background Info on the Topic;
    • Thesis Statement.
  • Body
    • The Main Sentence, Including General Thought on the Topic;
    • Arguments;
    • Examples.
  • Conclusion
    • Restating Thesis Statement (but briefly);
    • Summarizing all the facts, arguments and examples into one or two sentences;
    • The message that has to be sent to the readers and the main point of further research purpose.

It was just an example. You can create your own plan/outline, but if it fits you, you can use it when writing such a paper.

The Best Inquiry Paper Topics

Here is the list of the best inquiry paper topics for you:

  1. Inquiry Into Crime, Which Counts True.
  2. How to Find Out How to Use the Internet for Your Purposes as Well?
  3. Inquiry into TV’s Role in Daily People’s Lives.
  4. How to Make Politics of the Country More Effective?
  5. What to Do to Reduce the Number of Criminals?
  6. How to Prevent Violence Within a Family?
  7. Inquiry into Humor’s Role In Life.
  8. What Has to Be Done in Order for Education System to Work the Best?
  9. How to Make Those Taxes, so that the Civilians Could Pay for it and Live in Abundance?
  10. Natural Disasters Ways of Prevention.

Now, after you found out about what you need to do for creating a good inquiry paper, you can get straight to writing. Pick your topic and go ahead. Good luck!